by Christopher Hodapp
The Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, RW D. Joseph J. Morrow, resigned unexpectedly on Wednesday, according to a message circulated to lodge secretaries and posted on their website.
According to messages on Redditt, GM Morrow is currently traveling abroad with his wife. The message gave no explanation beyond "personal reasons" for his abrupt departure.
From the official announcement:
The Grand Master Mason, Brother Dr Joseph J. Morrow, has resigned, for personal reasons.
We would like to thank him most sincerely for his great work and outstanding service within Freemasonry throughout many years and wish him well for the future.
Dr Morrow, currently on holiday abroad, has decided to withdraw from all of his commitments to The Scottish Craft.
In the interim, Immediate Past Grand Master, Brother W. Ramsay McGhee, will preside over the forthcoming Regular Communication of Grand Lodge on Thursday 31st October 2024. This will also include the nomination and election of Grand Office-bearers for the coming year.
Despite these changes, Grand Lodge will ensure our support for Freemasons at home and overseas will continue as normal.
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