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Freemasonry the new fad?


Premium Member
This is photshopped and Jay-Z is not a mason. Please pass that information along to anyone who asks you that.

David N.

Premium Member
If I were a non-Mason, and wore the S&C on something, possibly an heirloom, and wound up being hassled and then robbed, I...would have a pretty damn low opinion of Masons after that.
It isn't the ring or decal that makes me a Mason.


Registered User
It's a fad that will pass.

I remember doing a research project when I was in college on this very thing. The movie Malcolm X was very popular, and director Spike Lee popularized clothing, black hats with an X on it in particular, that a lot of kids started wearing. I spoke to and polled over 200 kids around campus who were wearing this stuff, and less than 20% actually knew what it was supposed to mean. Of those, the vast majority didn't even know who Malcolm X was, much less what he stood for.


Premium Member
I would not say Freemasonry is a fad and if it is, it is one that can easily desolved. The answer is simple, we know how to distiguish one another in such a manner that is private to us. Yes some of this information can be found on the internet but there is so much more to masonry than what is visible to the untrained eye. The more we educate ourselves and get beyond just the surface of our degrees and really dig into them, the quicker pretenders can be eliminated. instead of jacking someone for their jewelry, how about sitting down or pulling them aside and having an intellgent conversation with them explaing why what they have on is not something that can be bought but must be earned and that maybe they aren't ready to represent it properly.



Registered User
Ever check out the #Freemason hash tag on Twitter? I wouldn't say Twitter is "blowing up" with Freemason comments, but it's very popular. I will remove the links, but here are some recent comments. Most of them are Illuminati-related:

Worried about the illuminati/conspiracy theories/free masons/ etc? Here's some food for thought..
Just found out that my great grampa was a Free Mason. That means I have Illuminati in my blood
You want to get mad, Get mad at your Pastors, Preachers, Bishops, Ministers b/c they are part of the SCAM and 33rd Degree Free Masons

These days, it must be hip to be part of the New World Order..and it was always cool to be anti-establishment.


Premium Member
While out Christmas shopping and I saw a huge compasses and level on a chain the size of a log chain for sale along with other hip hop stuff at a mall kiosk. The sales girls had no idea what she was selling.

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Registered User
The illuminati stuff is the dumbest I saw a post comparing the lakers to the heat over the past ten years and there were tons of comments saying the illuminati rigged the nba

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Registered User
Just found out that my great grampa was a Free Mason. That means I have Illuminati in my blood

This one is my favorite. Because being a Freemason is hereditary? It's in his blood!

Must be that Merovingian bloodline thing from The DaVinci Code


Registered User
Look at this picture carefully is jay-z real or fake.


I think that is a photo shop job but it is know that he did join years ago thinking freemasonry was about something else and then went inactive but add of late since he understands what it is now he is becoming more active he is even doing it thru his clothing line worth shirts and stuff

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Premium Member
I think that is a photo shop job but it is know that he did join years ago thinking freemasonry was about something else and then went inactive but add of late since he understands what it is now he is becoming more active he is even doing it thru his clothing line worth shirts and stuff

The photograph might even be real. It looks to me like a well attended funeral service. I have never seen anyone questioned at any funeral service. At a funeral with that many brothers it's possible to show up, start chatting with the brothers and attend acting like the brothers. I've been to funerals so well attended the lodges there ran out of aprons and gloves and the brothers stood in several ranks. I've been to funerals with 3 giving the ceremony to a dead brother we'd never met with no one else there but the widow.

As to it being known he's a brother, what lodge?


Premium Member
I heard illuminati have special flash lights that only work during the day...I mean that is what I

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Premium Member
Wow, that makes zero sense. Although, in this country, I can totally see someone putting the "dollar sign" in the S&C. *sigh*...