Premium Member
There is a big problem here in Texas with clandestine and irregular masonry. I do believe the count is up to about 30+ grand lodges in the state of Texas. Must of which are in our around Houston. First I must say, if you find a black main do not assume he's from the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. There is a great chance he's from a grand Lodge that has no recognition from the GLoTX, UGLE, or any others regular/recognized body.
My question is, how educated are brothers from the grand Lodge of the states?
Does members of the grand Lodge of the state actively/proactively try to educate the members of those jurisdictions about regularity?
I know PHA is more proactive as a whole as I've talked to several before becoming a member of the GLoTX.
My question is, how educated are brothers from the grand Lodge of the states?
Does members of the grand Lodge of the state actively/proactively try to educate the members of those jurisdictions about regularity?
I know PHA is more proactive as a whole as I've talked to several before becoming a member of the GLoTX.