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As of 2/23/2013, I am officially a member of Pride of Leah Chapter # 50. My brothers Trip, Xavier, and OT, and SiStars. Joint initiation from Pride of Leah #50 & Stars of Alpha #58
The only form that we have available online is for the Souvenir Journal, and the Welcome Letter, as of right now, and the Hotel Registration information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (682) 231-3579 Nash. If you have a QR reader scan the QR code below
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It's time to clear up Jewish misconceptions about Christianity.By Amy-Jill Levine
In the following article, the author describes common Jewish myths about Christianity and explains why she believes it is important for Jews to learn about Christianity. In subsequent articles, Levine will debunk...
Understanding the world in which Christianity developed helps understand Christian beliefs.
In the following article, the author explains the historical and cultural context in which early Christianity was born and developed. It is part of her effort to clear up common Jewish misconceptions...
For those of you, who are a Sublime Prince or Grand Inspector General...
Who will be in attendance for the 66th Annual Texas Council of Deliberation & 49th Annual Texas Council of Assembly in March 2013, hosted by Fort Worth Consistory # 281?
Some things in life can change the way we think and alter our prospective or outtake on Religion. A fellow I work with is Athiest, now we don't talk Religion (rather I don't talk, I listen) and his father shot and killed himself. After that point he started thinking all kinds of things about...
I am Jewish but study all forms of Religion. My favorite VSL is the Catholic Bible, because it contains some stories, and books that many people do not know about.
Every year, approximately during the month of December, people of the Jewish faith observe what is called Chanukah. It wasn’t an important holiday in the Jewish calendar but is one to remember and to celebrate, if for no other, because it commemorates an important time in the life of the...
Today in Jewish History
Today is: Wednesday, Kislev 28, 5773 · December 12, 2012
Chanukah Day 4
• 4th Day of Chanukah Miracle (139 BCE)
On the 25th of Kislev in the year 3622 from creation, the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, after defeating the vastly more numerous and...
As like any house in Masonry, that I join, I am always eager when I turn in a petition. I was Raised in Novmeber 2003. Became a Companion and Sir Knight April 10, 2010, a 32nd degree Mason August 2011, and petitioned OES last friday. I will become a member of the Order of Eastern Star Saturday...
We are all fragments of greater souls, and those souls fragments
of even more lofty ones, and so on with those -- until we all
link back to the one primordial soul: The soul of Adam.
None of us is complete. No one can stand on his or her own. What
one is lacking the other...
Definition for taquia:
Web definitions:
Makes lies acceptable and deceptions honorable when dishonesty serves the Islamic purposes..
Congrats on the S.D. chair. I as well am S.D. in my lodge. You have to be on top of the lectures, and know what this and that means, when asked by a candidate. And if you do not know what it is, atleast be able to know where to find it, or even who to ask.
Not a problem, no offense taken. I'm one of those who will speak on Masonry on any level, given the proper channels and opportunity. I actually just fumbled across this section the other day, and was like I can really exposed some things to people without revealing anything. I will be posting...