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  1. K4DL

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    I had a conversation with a brother recently and while not on the exact issues brought up here it did have to do with his Obligation. He quoted part of it and left out a line, I added it and he said that the obligation he took in another state did not have that in it and that was the obligation...
  2. K4DL

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    Perhaps in a case such as allowing women in our lodges and setting with them the Grand Lodge would modify the obligation (it would have to) and would issue a decree or an edict releasing all members of lodges under them from that part of their obligation. I am just curious as to how it would be...
  3. K4DL

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    So you are saying the obligation to follow the Grand Lodge outweighs all other obligations?
  4. K4DL

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    I think that is different. If our Grand Lodge regards another as irregular we have an obligation not to visit or talk to them masonicly. However, once a Grand Lodge changes its stand and recognizes another as regular then we can follow our obligation and visit and talk with them. Having taken an...
  5. K4DL

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    So the question that comes to mind for me is, if at some point my Grand Lodge recognizes women and allow them to visit does that override my obligations? Which obligation do I choose? If I ever violate any of my obligations should I be allowed to remain in masonry?
  6. K4DL

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    That was where the choice of wording came from. Oath! On yonder book that oath I took. But indeed my obligation was very specific.
  7. K4DL

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    I was thinking of that poem oft quoted at the raising of a new Master.
  8. K4DL

    Clandestinely made Masons

    I have been contemplating what a clandestine lodge and clandestinely made Mason is. I feel that once a Grand Lodge is formed in an area any lodge purporting to become established within that Grand Lodges territory would be clandestine, would it not?
  9. K4DL

    Choosing Your Mark

    I am told that some use numbers and letter for their mark. I am thinking of using a combination of letters and a number that I use every day to identify myself. It is already my mark and has been for decades.
  10. K4DL

    Any HAMs?

    For the record, I became the Alabama Section Manager (ARRL) on January 1. This will be my 30th anniversary in the hobby. I became an Advanced in 1994 and an Extra in 1995. My two passions are Amateur Radio and Masonry. Two great brotherhoods.
  11. K4DL

    Freemasonry AS religion?

    Most of the "churhes" in my area are small and do very little other than struggle to pay the bills and keep the grass cut. A couple are larger and do events like "bring your dog to church day', "bounce house day', 'go to the river day', and "hand out boxes of food day". I have found most to be...
  12. K4DL

    The legend of hiram abiff

    But as far as I could see he had not admitted that until after I made that post. He was still trying to act as if.
  13. K4DL

    The legend of hiram abiff

    That is proof enough for me Brothers.
  14. K4DL

    The legend of hiram abiff

    Not a Mason. Cowen!
  15. K4DL

    The legend of hiram abiff

    If you can't handle a little Brotherly fun, you need not visit my lodge.
  16. K4DL

    New York Mayor Eric Adams Made a Prince Hall Mason

    So, they do not have to learn the lesson and show proficiency before moving on? Also, do they not have an investigation into a petitioner's character and background?
  17. K4DL

    Any HAMs?

    K4DL here
  18. K4DL

    The legend of hiram abiff

    I have encountered some anti-masonic claims that Hiram is used to replace Jesus Christ and that the death, burial, and raising of Hiram was supposed to be a substitute for baptism. I wondered if you have countered such claims and how you responded if you did.
  19. K4DL

    New Junior Steward

    73 brother. Always great to meet a fellow Ham in the Lodge.