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It appears that the councils are located in the larger metro centers which would stand to reason, however as with most of Freemasonry the smaller rural areas are often forgotten. This in itself is interesting as Lufkin Lodge #669 is in the top 10 lodges in Texas in membership and it is in a town...
I began to ponder on this after our last stated meeting. Most lodges I have visited have their meal before the meeting. We have ours after the meeting. I was wondering if there was a "standard" regarding this.
While President Obama was not my choice, he is the President. I respect the office even if the person I did not vote for occupies it. I am sure he like every President before him, once they took that oath of office and got flooded with all the information that is for "his eyes only" he...
I wonder how many MM have never even seen a Texas Masonic Law book much less actually read at least part of it. I like having it in PDF form because I put it on my cell phone and can reference it while I am on the road. Sometimes finding what I am looking for in it is a challenge, but that may...
I glad you posted this. I knew it was in there somewhere as I had read it before, but for the life of me could not find it again. I used to think trying to find something in the Texas Penal Code and Texas Government Code books were hard. That was nothing compared to the Texas Masonic Law book.
Bill you are correct. I got to thinking about it after I replied but decided to just let it lay. I only had to pay for my FC and MM degrees. Also, I did learn my EA work but when I was scheduled to turn it in there was some kind of "issue" going on with the lodge and they postponed it. By the...
While reading another thread I became curious about how Masonic membership has declined in the US since I first petitioned the lodge in 1987.
1987 2,763,828
2008 1,444,823
This the only thing I found pertaining to the members of the committee.
Art. 407. Referred to Committee. A petition for the degrees
shall be presented at a stated meeting and referred by the Master
presiding to a committee of three members for investigation and
report. A member of this...
I went back to the same lodge I originally petitioned, the same one I am still with. My instructor contacted the WM at the time. I had to pay 2 years back dues, petition again and they assigned an investigating committee. Then they voted on me. Due to having to wait between meetings, the...
When I was initiated in 1987 and started learning my work there may have been a code book but no one said anything about it. I learned the "old" way. There were no dues card issued to me and no real interaction with the lodge. My only contact with the lodge was through my instructor and the...