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  1. ERHansen

    Organization of Triangles, Inc-New York

    Just thought I would post a quick update on how the Triangle group that Mr. Lewey's daughter Bianca joined is doing. This past weekend we just initiated another young lady and we have 2 more candidates in the wings. We are nearly at a full floor of officers. Bianca has proven to be our resident...
  2. ERHansen

    Support Masonic Youth

    I know the last post in this thread was in April of 2017, but to touch back on the OP's intent....I'll add the following article for consideration when discussing this topic. The Nobility of Working with Students Masonry talks about making good men better. How about the nobility of helping to...
  3. ERHansen

    Organization of Triangles, Inc-New York

    Whatever you need! And shameless plug that whenever you give your presentation, you can have the Triangle Girls join you and do a degree. ;) BQ Hannah has also been wanting to go around to various chapters to do something similar. The youth groups have so much to offer!
  4. ERHansen

    Organization of Triangles, Inc-New York

    I'm one of the advisors of the chapter she just joined and we are so thrilled that we were able to get Bianca into our group. It's true that we were reorganizing and have skirted with falling into complete darkness for many years. There was always hope that it would come around and I think...