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  1. W


    I know I posted awhile back with the same question but has there been any new chapters of the FMRC started close to Abilene Texas? I just paid my dues last week so may get more info soon.
  2. W

    Masonic Coins

    I know I posted awhile back with the same question but has there been any new chapters of the FMRC started close to Abilene Texas? I just paid my dues last week so may get more info soon.
  3. W

    Master Craftsman II!!!

    So are you wearing it on a jacket or on your pill cap (if allowed)
  4. W

    Freemason Motorcycle Riders

    Does anyone know of a program like the Harley Group does where you ride to locations and take a picture showing you have been there. I think they give you locations. I was wondering if there was some thing like that for all the lodge locations in Texas?
  5. W

    Master Craftsman II!!!

    So what did you do with the MC I pin that you received?
  6. W

    Master Craftsman I Quiz 6 question

    I have heard that it has 9 quizes, not sure if it is the same format or style.
  7. W

    Master Craftsman I Quiz 6 question

    To answer my own question, still read the pages between the listed ones. Spent a few hours going over the section not listed and the answers just jumped out of the book. All of the previous Quizes were found on listed pages, so they were tricky with this one. If you have not started the...
  8. W

    Master Craftsman I Quiz 6 question

    I was wondering if any of you have finished the last Quiz in the MC. You know that on the front of the quiz it tells you the book and page numbers to read to find the answers. I have spent a couple of days reading over the pages listed on the front but have found some answers on the pages that...
  9. W

    Grand Lodge ----- Lets meet up!

    I am only 1/3 of the way thru the wall of tap, Crickets it is.
  10. W

    The Ten Commandments of Masonic Dress

    "It is the internal and not the external qualifications that make a man a mason" I know in my parts of the world if you say "Church Clothes" which is West Texan for "Dress Clothes" more men will show up in jeans and boots than suits. I have recently joined the SR and have been to 2 meetings...
  11. W

    New Movies

    The trailer for the movie looks great. Any idea what the rating may be?
  12. W

    Bass Guitar

    I have been wondering if it is difficult to learn to play the bass. I have taken regular guitar lessons many years ago but since have had issues with my fingers being able to make the chords.
  13. W


    Brother can you tell me how I go about signing up for an out of town or out of valley reunion. I beleive I am in the valley of Ft.Worth.
  14. W


    Are there any reunions coming up in the near future? I would like to join SR but the next 1 day I know of is in November. Does anyone know of any sooner?
  15. W

    Decorated Aprons

    serfin the web brother. I googled masonic skull
  16. W

    Decorated Aprons

    Wingnut, can you tell me or start a new thread on how you go about getting a LOR apron
  17. W

    Grand Lodge, Shrine, York Rite Question

    One of these days I am going to the George Washington, just looking for something in Texas.
  18. W

    Grand Lodge, Shrine, York Rite Question

    I recenty visited the GLOT during the day and had all the time I wanted to go thru the many artifacts, papers and museum exhibits. It made me wonder a few things. First is there a museum or central location like the Grand Lodge for the Shrine (I recently joned) or the York Rite? I read about...
  19. W

    KT Sword

    This may not be the place but does anyone know of a site that I can purchase a KT sword. Nothing fancy just a ceremonial type that can be hung on the wall. I don't want to use it as a weapon or it be sharp enough for my kids to use it that way either.
  20. W

    MD Anderson

    This is a very short story. I found out I had cancer lst June and was in the patient area of MD Anderson after going thru a few tests. I was very uneasy and felt alone and cold in the waiting area, the staff there is great but still feeling scared. I had my lovely hospital gown with the nice...