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  1. youngsandy

    Greetings From The Shire of New Hamp.

    Really I certainly do I certainly don’t need you or anyone else telling me to dial it back. I remember my 1st Degree obligation and if this group is letting non masons on I’m out.
  2. youngsandy

    Greetings From The Shire of New Hamp.

    I’m sorry but if you are not a Freemason you shouldn’t be on here. I would suggest you firstly find a Lodge near where you live and apply to join. After that you can be apart of this group but for me you shouldn’t be on here and the moderators should block you until you are a bona fide Freemason.
  3. youngsandy

    Capitular Degrees

    In Scotland the Master at his installation receives the degree of Installed Master.At one time you had to be an Installed master before you could join the Chapter these days you only need to be a MM. Now in Scotland the Lodge is permitted to work the Mark degree on Master Masons by Dispensation...
  4. youngsandy

    Dealing with lazy EA's

    Call me picky but there are no MOCK degree's in Freemasonry, you work a degree with a Substitute Candidate.Don't devalue what we have by using words like Mock.
  5. youngsandy

    Is Masonry too cheap?

    Over here it would cost you approximately $310 dollars to join a Lodge and the annual test fee is approx. $46.50. Royal Arch Chapter would set you back $232.50 and a annual test fee of $18. Fortunately ever order I've joined I've taken out life memership.(Life membership is 15 times your annual...
  6. youngsandy

    How long have you been a Master Mason?

    Made the 28th.Dec.1982.
  7. youngsandy

    Correction to Why Saint Johns Lodge?

    The Lodge Scone and Perth No.3 was referred to as Saint Johnstoun (Saint Johns Town) this was the City of Perths old name also the mural on the East wall depicts a naked man kneeling before God representing Humility.
  8. youngsandy

    The Candidate.

    :SNC:It was his dream to become a Mason, Though he wasn't sure quite why. So he made an application, Then waited months for a reply. No committee came to pay a call, To meet him and his wife, No invitation to Mason's hall; Nor offer of advice. Finally a postcard in the mail, Said, "come...
  9. youngsandy

    Knights of Columbus

    Are the Knights of Columbus the same as the Knights of Saint Columba?
  10. youngsandy

    WV GL withdraws recognition of OH GL

    To Bro.Raymond, I am indeed sorry and saddened to read at your treatment what ever happened to "Freemasonry regards the man, not the clothes he wears,nor the house he lives in, or the luxuries with which he surrounds himself."As my Grandad always said(God rest his soul) "never judge a man by the...
  11. youngsandy

    WV GL withdraws recognition of OH GL

    Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!
  12. youngsandy

    Value Meal Masonry

    Nice article, sadly all to true over here some Lodges don't even bother with the Catechism anymore.